Netice  Yildiz

History and Culture of Cyprus: A Survey on its Cultural Heritage


This document is a syllabus reflecting course content developed for "History and Culture of Cyprus: A Survey on its Cultural Heritage," by Dr. Netice Yildiz, of Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture.

Course Description

Cyprus exhibits a rather rich and variety of cultural heritage both in material culture as well as in its folklore. The course aims to teach the cultural heritage of North Cyprus. The course will try to analyse the way of living, customs and traditions, religious ideas and practices of each society as well as the political problems of those people who lived in Cyprus in each period.The instructor of the course has been teaching a course on the History of Cypriot Civilizations and writing and presenting papers on various aspects on the art history of Cyprus at EMU for several years. The course therefore will aim to give a general history for the existing material culture of the island in the form of art, architecture, language, literature and folklore of Cyprus together with the important historical and political events from prehistoric times until today.

Course Outline


Sources for the history of Cyprus

A brief chronology for the history of Cyprus

Cyprus - an Island in Mediterranean Sea: Its Geographical Condition and Natural History

Ancient Ages

Modern Ages

The Beginning of Civilization in Cyprus: Stone Ages: Neolithic I-II

Chalcolithic Age in Cyprus

Early and Middle Bronze Age (Cypriot Ages) in Cyprus

Late Bronze Age (Cypriot Ages) in Cyprus

Iron Age in Cyprus

Hellenistic (Ptolemeus) and Roman Periods in Cyprus

Modern Ages: Late Roman and Early Christian Period in Cyprus Medieval Cyprus: Crusaders an Lusignan

Kingdom in Cyprus

Venetian and The Ottoman Rules in Cyprus

British Colonial Rule in Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus Contemporary Turkish Art and Folklore of Cyprus


  • Hanworth, Rosamond (1992). The Heritage of North Cyprus
  • Tuncer (1993). "Ana Tanriça Kültünün Kibris Folklorundaki Izleri Üzerine Bir Deneme"
  • Behçet, Hasan (1969). Kibris Türk Maarif Tarihi
  • Brown, A. C. - Brown, H. W.Catling (1987). Ancient Cyprus, Ashmolean Museum, London.
  • Buchholz, Hans-Günter - Karageorghis,Vassos (1973). Prehistoric Greece and Cyprus, New York.
  • Casson, Lionel ([1974] 1994). Travel in the Ancient World, London. Cobham, C. D. (ed.) ([1908],1986). Excerpta Cypria, Materials for a History of Cyprus, London.
  • Efthimiou, Miltiades B. (1987). Greeks and Latins on Cyprus in the Thirteenth Century, Massachusettes.
  • Ahmet Cemal, (1990). The Ottoman Turks in Cyprus, London.
  • Gunnis, Rupert ([1936] 1973). Historic Cyprus, Nicosia.
  • Hill, George (1949-1952). A History of Cyprus, Cambridge, Volumes 1-4.
  • Jennings, Ronald C. (1993). Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, (1571-1640), New York.
  • Luke, Sir Harry ([1921] 1989). Cyprus Under the Turks 1571-1878, Nicosia.
  • Luke, Sir Harry ([1937] 1973). Cyprus, A Portrait and an Appreciation, London.
  • Maier, F. G. and Karageorghis, Vassos (1984). Paphos, History and Archaeology, Nicosia.
  • Mear, Hüray (1992)
  • Morris, Desmond (1985). The Art of Ancient Cyprus, (Phaidon Press) London.
  • Spiteris, Tony (1970). The Art of Cyprus, (Weidenfeld & Nicholson), London.
  • Tatton-Brown, Veronica (1987). Ancient Cyprus, (British Museum Publications), London.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1994). "Tarihi Çevre", (Historical Environment), KKTC'de Çevre Sorunlari Sempozyumu, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, 17-18 1994, pp.197-206.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1995) "Osmanli Dönem'i Kibris Türk Mimarisi ve Sanati", 9. Uluslararasi Türk Sanatlari Kongresi, Eylül, 1991, Ankara, III. Cilt.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1995). "Kibris'ta Müzecilik ve Kuzey Kibris Türk Müzeleri", II. Symposium of Museums and Museology, September, 1994, Proceedings of the Symposium, Military Museum, 1995, pp.158-161.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1995). "Kibris'ta Kapilarin Öyküsü - The Story of Doors in Cyprus", pp.5-8.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1996). "Aqueducts in Cyprus", Journal For Cypriot Studies, Vol.: 2, Issue: 2, Spring, 1996, pp.89-112.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1997). "Turkish Culture Within the Conte<p>t of the Cypriot Cultural Heritage" Proceedings of the First International Congress on Cypriot Studies, Gazimagosa 20-23 November '96, Ed. By Emel Do_ramaci, William Haney, Güray Konig, Centre for Cypriot Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, EMU Press 1997, pp.123-141.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1997). "Anadolu'dan Kibris'a Göç Eden Kibris Kadini", Bir, (Hoca Ahmed Yasevi Vakfi), No: 7, pp.179-200.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1998). "Ottoman Houses in Cyprus", Proceedings on the International Symposium on The Ottoman Houses, Papers from the Amasya Symposium, 24-27 September 1996, The British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara and the University of Warwick, BIAA Monographs 26, pp. 79-88 
  • Yildiz, Netice (1999). "Turkish Aqueducts in Cyprus", Turkish Art, 10th International Congress of Turkish Art" Proceedings, Genève 17-23 Sept 1995, Fondation Max Berchem, 1999 pp.775-784.
  • Yildiz, Netice (1999). "Illustrated Books and Manuscripts About Cyprus," 2nd International Congress For Cyprus Studies 24-27 November 1998.
  • Yildiz, Netice – Toklu, Cengiz (2000). Assessment of the Gothic Monuments in North Cyprus for Conservation and Restoration”, Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th International Congress, 1-3 November 2000, Vol. 1. pp. 185- 196.
  • Yildiz, Netice (2002)  ed. Hasan Celal Güzel, Kemal Çiçek, Salim Koca. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayinlari, 21 Volumes, Vol.19, pp. 996-993.
  • Yildiz, Netice (2001). Portrait of Özden Selenge as an Artist, KADIN /WOMAN 2000, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-42.


Yildiz, Netice. "History and Culture of Cyprus: A Survey on its Cultural Heritage." Syllabus, Easdtern Mediterranean University, Fagmusta, Northern Cyprus, [date not provided.]




Netice  Yildiz




