Design Experimentation & Knowledge Building in Architecture


This document is a syllabus reflecting course content developed for "Design Experimentation & Knowledge Building in Architecture," by Dr. Zahra Punja of the University of Toronto.

Course Description:

A critical analysis of research literature, methods, and findings related to design experimentation methodology in the creation of knowledge building communities. Specifically, this course will be built around learning about knowledge building theory and technologies, using various multi-media to support the inquiry. In this online course, the emphasis reading architectural literature in the area of design as well as educational literature in the area of design experimentation. It will focus on comparing the findings from the Aga Khan Award for Architecture books with those findings from the educational technology literature. The goal is to discuss the deeper ideas that emerge across disciplines while participating in design experimentation methodology in the online knowledge building course.


Knowledge Building/Knowledge Forum References
  • Bereiter, C and M. Scardamalia. (1993). Surpassing Ourselves: An Inquiry into the Nature and Implications of Expertise. Open Court Publishers. Chicago: USA.
  • Scardamalia, M. (2002). Collective Cognitive Responsibility for the Advancement of Knowledge. In B. Smith (Ed.) Liberal Education in a Knowledge Society (pp. 67-98). 

Design Experiments References
  • Brown, A. (1992). „Design Experiments: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in creating Complex Intervention". Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1992, 2(2), 141-178.
  • Collins, A. (1992). Toward a Design Science of Education. In E. Scanlon and T. O'Shea. New Directions in Educational Technology. 
  • Collins, A. (1998). The Changing Infrastructure of Educational Research. Chapter 13. in Hawkins, J. & Collins, A (Eds). Design Experiments Using Technology to Restructure Schools. New York. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming

Aga Khan Award for Architecture References
  • Al-Asad, M. (1994). „Writing on the Architecture of Islam" in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Al-Hathloul, S (1998). „Continuity in a Changing Traditions in Davidson, C. C. Legacies for the Future: Contemporary Architecture in Islamic Societies. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. New York: USA.
  • Aga Khan Architectural Award (2002). Institute of Ismaili Studies. UK. Ardalan, N. (1994). „Intentions and Challenges‰ in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Ardalan, N. (1980). Places of Public Gathering in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.
  • Arkoun, M. (1998). „The Aga Khan Award as a Process of Thinking in Davidson, C. C. Legacies for the Future: Contemporary Architecture in Islamic Societies. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. New York: USA .
  • Arkoun, M. (1994). „Thinking Architecture in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA. 
  • Cansever, T. (1994). „Thoughts on Architecture in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Cantacuzino, S. (1985). „Continuity and Change: Architecture and development in the Islamic World‰ in Cantacuzino, S. Architecture in Continuity: Building in the Islamic World Today. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Islamic Publications Ltd. New York, USA.
  • Davey, P. (1994). „Courageous Criteria‰ in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Doshi, B.V. (1980). Toward an Appropriate Living Environment: Questions on Islamic Development in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.
  • Grabar, O. (1980). Issues Raised, Issues Omitted in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.
  • Haider, S. G. (1994). „The Tangled Web of Time: Future of Muslim Past and The Aga Khan Award for Architecture‰ in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Hasan., A. (1998). „Pragmatism and the Built Environment‰ in Davidson, C. C. Legacies for the Future: Contemporary Architecture in Islamic Societies. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. New York: USA. 
  • Hattstein, M. & P. Delius. (2000). Islam: Art and Architecture. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, France. Ivanov, W. (1939). The Organization of the Fatimad Propaganda. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Series, 15, p20.
  • Khosla, R (1998). „The Conscience of Architecture‰ in Davidson, C. C.Legacies for the Future: Contemporary Architecture in Islamic Societies. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. New York: USA. 
  • Nanji, A. (1994). The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Nijem, R. (1980). Background to Yarmouk University in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.
  • Serageldin, I. (1994). „The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: The Anatomy of an Approach to Promoting Architectural Excellence in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Serageldin. I & Francois Vigier. (1980). Changing Roles and Procedures in the Design of Public Buildings in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.
  • Soedjatmoko. (1994). „The Social Challenge to Modern Islamic Architecture in Nanji, A. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Building for Tomorrow. Academy Editions. New York: USA.
  • Soedjatmoko. (1980). Islamic Architecture: The Social and Spiritual Realities in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.
  • Ul Haq, M. (1980). Priorities: The Social Context of Public Buildings, Islamic Architecture and the Poor People of Islam in Places of Public Gathering in Islam. Proceedings of Seminar Five in the series. Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World Held in Amman, Jordan, May 4-7, 1980.


Punja, Zahra. "Design Experimentation & Knowledge Building in Architecture." University of Toronto, ON, Canada,  [date not provided.]




Dr. Zahra Punja


