The aim of this paper is to highlight the several phases of the post-1985 planning endeavours of Thessaloniki, in the context of which the Lachanokipoi area of the ‘Western Entrance’ of the city is particularly examined. Our underlying research has shown that one can distinguish three periods in the planning of the city which are characterised by three different major planning trends, all related to and reflecting major phases in the country’s development – especially its economic trajectory. The paper attempts to put the issue of the Lachanokipoi area in the context of potential urban renewal in the area; this would be as part of the general spatial plans for the city, considering the Lachanokipoi area as an urban brownfield, for which comprehensive integrated plans have to be made.
Keywords: urban planning; Thessaloniki; western entrance; Lachanokipoi; Greece
Skayannis, Pantoleon and Angelos Kyratzakos. "High Flights and Hard Landings: The Adventures of Planning for the Regeneration of Thessaloniki's Derelict Western Entrance." Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 9, issue 2 (2015): 184-200.
Skayannis, P. and Kyratzakos, A., licensed under