This set of twelve plans of Damascus are from Dorothée Sack's
Dimashq: taṭawwur wa-bunyān madīnah Mashriqīyah Islāmīyah. The text was originally presented as Dr. Sack's doctoral thesis in 1982 and later published in German, and then was translated into Arabic in 2005 by L' Institut français du Proche-Orient.
You can view the maps by clicking on a sheet name in the "Associated Documents" section above.
Sack, Dorothée, Qāsim Ṭuwayr, Nazīh Kawākibī, and Aryānā Aḥmad. Dimashq: taṭawwur wa-bunyān madīnah Mashriqīyah Islāmīyah. Dimashq: al-Maʻhad al-Faransī lil-Sharq al-Adná, 2005.
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